My Misson, Pitch, Values, and Fun Facts
My mission is to fully engage, boldly participate, and creatively innovate in environments I'm in. Helping others will be my legacy, and I grow and learn by investing my time in ways that help others. I view things in both the present and future - seeing where we are and planning for where we can be. Bringing people together and representing their views is when I feel most fulfilled. My optimistic attitude is my worldview. I can serve my mission by continuing to learn, challenging myself to improve, and, reflecting on what I'm doing to make my environments better.
Elevator Pitch
I'm an aspiring legal professional who strives to lead through servant leadership and pursues justice and fairness.
I'm currently a Commercial Legal Analyst at Dropbox, working on contracts and intellectual property projects.
I moonlight as a book blogger, Yogi, and Japanese language learner.
Service to Others
Creating a legacy of helping others through support and impact
Servant Leadership
Using my position or platform to give opportunities to others​
Walking the talk, following my moral compass​
Working with others of similar and different skillsets to improve success​
Welcoming other perspectives and backgrounds into my own​
Fun Facts
I've never been to Montana. I have been to Houston.
My middle name is Ramiah (and part of the title of my book blog: Ramiah Reads When).
I'm a first-generation college student.
I'm from Seattle, WA.
I have other websites! (click for more info)