In this post: Reasons to sit down and ready yourself to be inspired in one sitting. Who knew memoirs evoked so much reflection?
Category: Black In America
(Yes, I know what the hook in this title is and I tried my best to resist).
Ramiah Recommended?
I have to be honest. I've never been a fan of memoirs.
I have always taken on the perspective of, "Why would I read about someone else's life, with its trials and tribulations? I have my own life to be concerned about!" That may sound more pompous than I intend it to be... what I mean to say is: I would rather spend time learning skills or escaping reality from books, which are hard finds in most memoirs.
This book is different.
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Ford, and led an event in partnership with him, for the USC Book Club I am part of: WEMMO. The discussions of the book were even more enriched because readers were able to directly ask Ford questions and share passages that caused us to reflect the most. (So I may be a little biased here, but I'm going to let this experience blanket my impression of memoirs overall!)
Ford, a USC alum, delivers poignant lessons from his humble beginnings in the South, his role as a police officer, his service in the military (Marine Corps), and most recently as a student and thought leader in social work. One such lesson:
Since I was a child, I had a simple phiosophy: I don't expect anyone to give me anything, but you had better not try to take anything from me (Kindle location 763)
Ford takes readers through his complicated relationship with his parents, grieving the death of his mother, and struggles of growing up around violence. Throughout those challenges, Ford's messages of strength and optimism prevail. As a reader, I was thrust into reflecting on my own relationship with my parents and found Isaac's words echoed many of my own thoughts.
When Ford wrote: "My father had a middle-class lifestyle, yet we were living in the Delta Manor Housing Projects receiving welfare benefits and food stamps... you still want your father to be your hero, whether he deserves such praise or not, and I believed in him and defended him for many years," I thought of how estranged I have been with my father since my parents' divorce when I was five (Kindle location 287). The latter end of that quote rings very true for me.
I think the treasure is in his use of the first person. Now you might be thinking, "Obviously he's using first-person Montana, it's a self-published memoir!" but hear me out. When you make it down to the My New Favorite Life Quotes and Food for Thought sections, you'll get a preview of the many nuggets of advice from the piece. Ford is like the all-knowing relative or mentor many of us wish we had. His advice is handwritten and delivered with care, speaking entirely from his personal experience but in a way that connects with our own.
Even through periods that he describes as the darkest moments of his life, including being stabbed by his mother, Ford is an unfaltering example of resilience, perseverance, and grit. In a conversation he has with his brother before going into his first military deployment:
'You're going to be just fine, you know why?' [says Issac's brother.]
'Why?' I asked.
'Because you don't have a choice.' (Kindle location 596)
Despite the injustice he observed in law enforcement as he attempted to defend the citizens of Augusta, or the bigotry he faced as a person of color in an affluent California neighborhood, Ford comes out on the other side more than fine. He comes out stronger.
In his own words:
The message of my story is that you can grow from anything, even the most daunting challenges, and you don't have to be defined by what happens to you. Remember, you are the master of your own fate, even if you start at the bottom." (Kindle location 1341).
What more is there to say?
Ramiah Reflects
My New Favorite Life Quotes:
"One through seventeen is controlled by people and circumstances beyond my control, but seventeen and beyond is completely up to me" - Isaac Ford, Jr.
"It's important to make the best of every opportunity the first time, because you may not get another opportunity, and if you do get another shot, it may come at a much higher cost the second time around." - Isaac Ford, Jr.
"Some predicted failure years ago, because of factors I was helpless to control. I refused to validate the stereotypes he had about me, my race, or my family." - Isaac Ford, Jr.
Questions to Ask Yourself (and answer!):
"My relationship and advocacy of my mother forced me to confront the real possibility that I could become her. This fear of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy helped me to gain the focus I would need in the coming years to accomplish my goals" (Kindle location 570). Is fear a sustainable motivator?
Food for Thought:
"We may never forget what people say or do to us, and that's okay. But when we forgive, we escape the control yielded by those who caused us harm. This is what allows us to be at peace, to move on from the hurt, and on with our lives" (Kindle location 1176). Is this something you needed to read?
"Since I was in my late teens, I have believed in telling people how I feel about them in the present" (Kindle location 1215). Who can you give flowers to while they're still here to appreciate them?
"Strong representation in the political arena is the key to gaining fairness, equity, and social justice in these arenas" (Kindle location 863). What can you do to ensure more representation in your county, city, and state governments? (Answer: vote!)
Ramiah's Re-read When
Re-read when:
You need inspiration
You want to reflect on your life by reading another's
You need holistic and positive life advice
See below for my book notes:
Check out my other posts and book notes here.
Until next time!
Montana Houston